Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Visual Rhetoric.

-         Colour Theory:
o   A circular diagram in which primary and usually intermediate colours are arranged sequently so that related colours are next to each other and complementary colours are opposite.
o   Mixing primary, secondary and tertiary colours with each other and the involvement of light in their ultimate reflection on the human eye.
o   A body of particular guidance to colour mixing and the visual impacts of specific colour combination.
-         Perspective:
o   A picture drawn in such a way, esp. one appearing to enlarge or extend the actual space, or to give the effect of distance.
o   The relationship of aspects of a subject to each other and the whole.
o   A technique of depicting volumes and spatial relationships on a flat surface.
-         Contrast:
o   The state of being strictly different from something else (black/white) .
o   Opposition of different forms, lines or colours in a work.
o   To set in opposition in order to show or emphasize differences.
-         Hierarchy:
o   Any system of persons or things ranked one above another.
o   Categorization of a group of people according to ability or status.
o   The classification of a group of people according to ability or to economic, social or professional standing.
-         Rule of Thirds:
o   Placing horizons along the horizontal lines on the vertical lines will result a much more balanced image.
o   An imaginary grid drawn across a photo that breaks the image into nine equal squares. The best focal point is at the intersection of these lines with secondary emphasis being seen along them.
o   It states that an image should be imagined as divided into nine equal squares and that important compositional elements should be places along these lines or their intersections.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


* Desire - because it makes you want to own such a car as it describes it with specific words.
* Informative - because it introduces a new product from a (known) brand to the market.
* Repetition - speed
   Slogan - 'Stop playing Hide and go Seek come out and play with the big kids"
   Exaturation - ?

Monday, November 21, 2011

Sentences and Paragraph

She was given an explicit instruction for her job.

The essay that was written is very implicit.

The Macintosh.
The Macintosh advertisement is based on fear and informative. It is introducing a totally new product to the market while they're scaring the market as they use specific figures, such as the woman with the hammer, who throws the hammer towards the screen and causes serious damage representing the new Macintosh as the huge change in the media. It even says at the end of the advertisement that 1984 won't be like 1986. This tells us that the advertisement is informative, because a new product is being introduced to the market.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


* Desire - because if you own a Sony Ericsson you can be a part of something special that not everyone has
* Reminder - because it introduces a product to the market where the brand is actually established. (?)

* Fear - because so many people die in such cases, which people want to avoid with this add.
* Reminder - because it's been established in the 'market' and is reminding us of the danger. (?)

* Desire - because if you are a Panasonic user, you automatically can shoot great photos.
* Informative - because they're introducing a new product to the market.

AIDS Awareness - Ad campaign

* Fear - because Aids is a really dangerous illness, which spreads out easily without people even knowing. And if you get the test you can save lots of lives.
* Reminder - because it reminds us about something that is really important and that is already been established in the market.

Desire - because if you own this product, you can enjoy the 'sound for real'

* Desire - because he drops the gun to save the car, the highlight of the commercial
* Informative - because it introduces a new product to the market.

* Desire - because IKEA's furniture is the best according to the commercial
* Comparative - because it's 'better' than any other furniture

* Fear - because if you drink the probability of harming others is really high
* Reminder - because

* Desire - because even basketball players choose McDonald's
* Reminder - because it talks about a product/brand that is established in the market for a long time.

* Desire and Fear - because it's a special brand and because it helps you to protect your teeth
* Informative - because it introduces a new product of a brand to the market