Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Teenage Brain

The teenage brain.

The teenage brain works not as adults think it does. Many adults may think that there is something wrong with the teenagers, but everything is actually fine. Teenagers are growing and their brain inside them grows with them. It is a big change in the human body, which causes some trouble at these days. However, the REM sleep, how adults think teenagers to be and media will be discussed. First of all the sleep teenagers get is the most important factor in a students’ life.

The REM sleep is the most important sleep you teenagers get during night; the time during dreaming and learning. The rapid eye movement, where the eyes literally move while sleeping is the only time when teenagers repeat what they have learned on that day. Although They say teenagers need nine and a half hours of sleep minimum, as teenagers do not necessarily get this sleep, they have less of the REM sleep, which means they don't repeat everything as well. It differs from teenagers to teenagers though how many hours of REM sleep one gets. For example students with a high IQ can get to the REM sleep five minutes after going to bed and some just need more time. Therefore it is important that most of the teenagers go to bed early so that they have enough time to rest and repeat while REM sleeping.

Parents cannot recognize their teenaged children anymore. They claim to know their children, while they actually don’t. This happens because teenagers interpret face expressions or emotions differently yo adults because of the frontal cortex that changes with time, that most of the parents don't know about. Research has shown that when an adult feels fear, the teenage may feel anger to the same situation. The frontal cortex that changes with time causes situations like this and makes it hard for parents to understand their children at that time. It is Media would be one of the factors that affect teenagers feelings.

Media affects teenagers in many different ways. Although the consumption of media is highly sophisticated. Their behaviours may change in a bad way. For example they might try to do something they saw on the TV, which actually is dangerous and should not be done at home alone. Teenagers are confused and this is normal, as they are still learning. As said, different kinds of media cause teenagers to change in a bad or even good way, which won't happen as often.

The teenage brain is difficult. They are growing and their brain inside grows with them, but this causes a lot of misunderstanding between adults and teenagers. The REM sleep, the change that happens or the media that causes this, are actually things that is even important for the adult. But as the teenage brain in still growing, they might interpret things differently to adults, which the adults may not understand. In conclusion, we still don't know what exactly occurs this misunderstanding between an adult an a teenager. Now our question is, if  the scientists will be successful in finding what the general problem is?


  1. This is not a proper essay ( The paragraph is too short) your getting double the work now.Elif!

  2. You're an embarrassment for not writing you're correctly. your spelling of your would make sense if you're not using the possessive. But you're using the possessive aren't you JO!

    so for you are it's you're

    for possession it's your




    NO ING VERBS!!!!!!!
