Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Persuasive Editorial

Persuasive editorial
Why is Go-Green the most important club at Stonehill?

Go-Green for a better Stonehill! The Stonehill international School has the Go-Green club that gives in all effort to make life at Stonehill easier involving the students that want to participate and make a change. The reasons why the Go-Green club is the most important club at Stonehill is that it is the only actual club in school, students participating learn and even though there is no outcome that we have in school, the club participants are actively working.
The Go-Green club is the only ongoing club with participants that was there for more than just a couple of months. It’s been there for almost two years now and actually successful as they are doing events etc. For example last year runs for the disabled people were done, or ice-lolly sales from which the money went again to the disables people as a support. Many things like that have been done only by one club, which is the Go-Green club at Stonehill International School.
Another point is that the students participating in the Go-Green club are eventually learning and developing ideas, while adding something good to the world. This means that they for example plant plants in the schools gardens that make the school look nicer but gives the nature a chance to make our lives better, as plants are a big factor in nature that enable us to breath fresh air, though this is only the plant section of the Go-Green club. The Go-Green club’s actions affect the whole school, even if it is only a small part or amount.
Well, the Go-Green club has its benefits but it has its disadvantages as well. The Go-Green club has no real output. It is doing work, which then is being sent out for good, though we never have anything in school that tells us what the Go-Green club has done so far. Though no matter what, the Go-Green club is the only active club at Stonehill International School that makes the school have a good representative in the city, attracting other people to for example sponsor the school or want to get their children have an education at Stonehill because they know the school is doing good.
The Stonehill International School Go-Green club is the only ongoing club with real participants, where students learn while working and even though the total outcome is not placed in school, the club is the only active club. With all these features we can surely say that the Stonehill International School Go-Green club is the most important club at Stonehill.

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