Thursday, May 17, 2012

Persuasive Essay #2

Persuasive Editorial #2
Teachers should give less homework

The problem that most schools have is probably that students complain about the amount of homework they get assigned every night. They actually are right about complaining about less homework though schools or even teachers might not agree with that. Teenagers just expect to be understood and respected by their parents and teachers but it never goes that way as adults do not take teenagers so serious or look at things form their point of view.

Less homework that every students wish to have enables parents and children to spend more time together, which is important for a growing child, especially teenagers. Family time can be spend for solving problems and talking about them, discussing them, which would affect the child in a positive way and showing them the right way, while the parents are able to keep track of what’s going on in their children’s life’s. It also reduces the feeling that the child gets when he knows there is lots of work to do tonight, though the time won’t be enough at all, so the student will not be able to finish the homework. With less homework, teachers would take away that overwhelming feeling a child gets very often during school time and make a students life so much easier.

If students get assigned loads of homework every night, they will be sitting the whole night trying to finish their homework. However, no one thought of those students’ needs, such as sleep. Too much homework assigned by teachers have no purpose at all if the student doesn’t get enough sleep to also be able to concentrate the next day in class. This could even cause sleeping problems later on in their lives and prepare them for an unsuccessful future.

It has been said by teachers that too much homework will eventually increase the chances of a student to success in the exams and be prepared better for them. They haven't considered that it actually takes away a student’s social time, which they should be spending with their friends rather than sitting at home and trying to finish all the homework. This ensures the child having less social skills and having difficulties making friends or socializing in the future. This would again affect a students’ whole life.
When teachers give too much homework they do not realize that they actually harm the students. Instead they think that the opposite would happen and the student would success from it. Less homework will let the family have more family-time and talk about things that they could solve during that time, it will enable the student of getting the required amount of sleep every night for a healthier life and unfortunately giving the students the time to socialize with others, such as their friends.

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