Wednesday, September 28, 2011

reponse to the artıcle

Stonehill has an incorrect timetable. Stonehill chose to set a timetable that starts early and finishes late. This is wrong. Students can learn better if they have enough time for sleep. This is not possible if you go to Stonehill. After a long school day, students mostly do homework or other projects for school until really late and don't have much time for something else that is important. Research has shown that teenagers can concentrate better in the after noon, which shows that this is the most important factor in a students life. If students begin school late, they will have a higher chance of getting better grades than before. In conclusion, Stonehill should change it's timetable, so that it suits how teenagers can learn better.

For thursday

Write a response to the article on school schedules and teenage sleep patterns.

1 great paragraph explaining why you feel Stonehill should or should not change our timetable in accordance with the research discussed? Do the students here get better or worse at concentrating/learning as the day goes on?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

3 paragraph comparison of my article and the article before

Paragraph 1 -- Paragraph about 'How Media Demonises Teenagers'
Paragraph 2 -- Paragraph (The Sun News)

Both articles are about teenagers and their problems at that stage/age. The difference is that paragraph 1 talks more about how media takes place in teenagers lives where paragraph 2 talks about the stereotypes of teenagers as thugs and a menace to others. The meaning is actually the same, where media is the only big thing that can cause changes in teenagers behaviors. By seeing the different TV shows that are about 'bad teenagers' or see other teenagers his age and their behavior they try to imitate them and become as the other teenagers are as they think that what the majority does is right. They might also be confused about anything and don't know what to do, so they do whatever everybody does. This means that media and other teenagers are the only sources for all the 'bad behavior' teenagers show.

Key deas for the short story

1. They say teenagers need nine and a half hours of sleep minimum.
2. Teenager can actually think better in the afternoon.
3. It is true that adults are jealous of teenagers.
4. Adults think that every teenager stole once or more products from a shop.
5. Many people are negative about teenagers and rude to them.
6. They (teenagers) are no lazy sobs.
7. Shouting at teenagers for getting drunk is a simple projection of our own faults on to people we feel we can boss around --> it's not the best way to communicate with teenagers.
8. Teenagers are told to control themselves.
9. Perhaps adults are scared of teenagers.
10. Our teenagers still want, need and deserve our encouragement and admiration.
11. Teenagers themselves give a bad reputation about themselves.
12. Teenagers are confused.

Idioms Story

Jane's Birthday Party

There was a girl named Jane, who couldn’t wait until her eighth birthday party. The party was in two days and she was like a kid in a candy store. She told her mom that she wanted a puppy and a kitten. She was excited about the presents and the big cake. Her birthday was going to be in the garden and four of her friends were invited.
The night before her party when it was time to hit the hay, she didn’t get any sleep. She was too excited about her birthday party. She got dressed in her nicest clothes. Then she helped her mom blow up the balloons and to decorate the whole house.
In the afternoon people started to arrive. Jane was so excited she was over the moon, she ran to the door every time it rang. The first person to arrive was her friend Lisa. Both went up to Jane’s room and started waiting for the rest of the guests.
 They played with Jane’s dolls. Lisa got the doll with the brown hair like hers and with blue eyes, and Jane got the doll with the light blonde hair like hers and green eyes. They had a tea party with their dolls and they also played house with them. Soon other friends of hers arrived to the party. This time it was Mia and Mona, and they were sisters. Mona was seven, and Mia was eight. Jane was quick to the trigger and was to the door first. They went upstairs and continued playing with the dolls. This time she heard the doorbell ring, and everyone ran downstairs like headless chickens to see who came.

The person who had arrived was Tina. She had light blue eyes that would take your breath away. They all went up to Jane’s room and started playing a game. Jane was very happy as everyone there was close to her heart.

Mona wanted the blue piece and grabbed it out of Jane’s hands. Jane took it back with an agry look, nor even was it her birthday.

Soon all the girls were fighting about who got the blue piece and after a short time Jane’s mom came up stairs to see who upset the apple cart. She separated the sheep's from the goats and told everyone it was time for cake and ice cream.

While having those, Jane’s mom questioned the girls about what happened. As soon as she found out, she made them say sorry to each other, as they all know that they shouldn’t fight tooth and nail.


Lisa contradicted she didn't hurt her sister while playing outside.

Scientists say that aliens are immortal.

The teacher became a good impression from his student who did all of his work for the week.

The surprise birthday party for Emma was vicarious.

Jane was misdemeaned by her friend.

My mom told me to give up my succumb to chocolate.

I'm deluding myself.

Many teenagers are standing face to face with promiscuity.

Contradiction: To assert the contrary of,  take issue with or to imply the opposite

Immortal:  Unending existence

Impression: A telling image impressed on the senses or the mind

Vicarious: performed or suffered by one person as a substitute for another or to the benefit or advantage of another

MalignedEvil in disposition, nature, or intent

Tendency: Movement or prevailing movement in a given direction

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Paragraph (The Sun News)

Teenagers are getting more dangerous from day to day.They start to do things, that they actually would not to, but are kind of forced to do. Other teenagers are playing a big role in how your teenaged child is behaving.We can blame TV shows for showing brutalized movies/shows and make teens watch them. They learn a lot 
from the media and try it in real life, which has a huge negative impact on the society. Another reason is the way the teenagers are being treated by in first place their parents/family and their friends. It is sad to see that parents do not note how they treat or even talk with their children, as the teenagers are in the stage where they change every second and learn from what they see. Problems like these come up just because parents are not empathizing well. To avoid such incidents parents should always be able to communicate the best way they can with their teenaged children.

--> The article in the sun perpetuates the stereotypes of teenagers as thugs and a menace to others.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Paragraph about 'How Media Demonises Teenagers'

Teenage boys don't seem to be as confident as they seem to be.Thanks to the Media, boys these days are more and more wary about their behavior towards teenagers they don't know or never met before to make sure they don't get in trouble as shown in the media. The reason why this is happening is that the media coverage of boys are most likely negative and represents teenage boys as the victims or perpetrators of crime that makes them wary about other teenage boys and think twice before doing something. For example nearly three-quarters of the teenagers said they had changed their behaviour as a result of this wariness. The most common change was boys avoiding places where other teenagers they didn't know hung around. Others included dressing differently and changing who they were seen with. They know too good what's going to happen if they get in trouble, may be just because of his behavior, as the media shows them many examples. As a conclusion, we know that teenage boys wary from other teenage boys they don't officially know and see them mostly as menace.

wary, menace

The boy was wary about the teacher who was a true menace, because he did not do his homework and knew he would get a punishment from the teacher.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Paragraph: 'My Sweet 16'

Is it your sweet 16 soon?
And you have no idea what to do? Then I guess you didn't watch 'My Sweet 16' yet. It is a show where teenagers have their 16th birthday filmed on TV.
Now, even if it seems to be a fun thing to watch it is actually most of the time the total opposite.
First of all, it should be embarrassing to see afterwards what you have done all the time while filming. Teenagers may not think the disadvantages of such a thing and just share every moment on their special birthday, bad and good, in TV with the whole world.
Another point is that those shows may change most of the teenager's think-wise which would lead to trouble with family, friends or even school for example. They are not aware that they can influence every teenager that watches the show in a bad or good way.
However, shows just like 'My Sweet 16' are not the best shows to watch as they reflect teenagers everyday life and problems, who even influences other teenagers in many different ways.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Coke and Fanta Paragraphs

Thesis Statement (main idea)
Example(s) 2 maximum
Explanation (50-70% of paragraph)
Conclusion/link to next paragraph

On a hot summer day, you want to be sure of the refreshment you are drinking.
Coca-cola is the world’s number one soft drink for a reason.
Coca-cola is my and most other people’s default drink.
Coke is perfect with pretty much any meal as it is not as sweet as Pepsi for example, so you can drink as much as you want without getting sick of it. You can have Coca-cola for dinner, lunch or some might even drink it for breakfast. It's all your choice.
Coca-cola can be bought all around the world in every market. We all know that no matter in which country you are, if you go in any super market you will be able to find coke. It is well known, and safe to drink other than a brand no one knows about.
As a conclusion, Coca-cola is most other people's default drink as it goes with pretty much any meal and it is available all around the world.

Why would you settle for Coke when you can have a more amazing soft drink?
Fanta is more than just one of the most popular drinks in the world.
Fanta is way better than Coke.
The orange flavour makes it more refreshing. When you see the orange colour you get thirsty automatically unlike with Coca-cola. It gives you the knowledge that the refreshing soft drink was made of oranges and is healthy aswell.
And you cannot find any website that says Fanta kills. For most of the consumers it is important to consum a drink that has well known background. If Fanta would have had websites saying it kills people, then the percentage of the consumers all around the world would've dropped, so as you cannot find even one website saying Fanta kills, you know you are drinking a good refreshing drink.
Again, fanta is a better and safer soft drink than Coca- cola as you know from the above examples.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

English Homework 6.9.2011 - Formal/Informal Letter

Letter to Mr Spirendio

Dear Mr Spirendio,
Me, as a student at Stonehill International School, from my own experience and from what I have heard from most of my friends is that there is a problem with the ECAs.
We find it very exhausting to have ECAs after school. The reason is that we start school really early compared to most of the other school here in Bangalore and have to leave late. To have ECAs on top of that makes us more and more tired every day and we lose time that we actually could use to either study more or to have more time for ourselves rather than concentrating full on our school life.  I have to admit, it is hard for us students trying to manage our school work, having family time and time for ourselves where we spend time doing activities we like. As we go home late and have a very limited time, we spend most our time for school work and end up going to bed late, which makes us tired and sleepy the next morning. It has no benefits for us, students, and the teachers who have to teach tired and inactive students.
Now, my idea/suggest is that we should have the option to choose what we as students want to do. Either students will chose the ECAs and do it as now or to have the school buses at 2:55 pm for everyone and for those who want to stay for ECAs should provide their own transportation back home. This would be a way out of the problem students report.
I would really appreciate it if you, as the Stonehill International School head master, would try to find a perfect solution that would benefit both, school staff, as in teachers and students.

Elif Kaya.

Letter to friend

Paul, we all have the same problem, don’t we? The ECAs are useless and a waste of our time actually. If we wouldn’t have any ECAs we would’ve had more time in the evenings to do more stuff that has nothing to do with school. Look, we come to school early and then we have all those classes and on top of that the ECAs and we get home late. We spend our whole evening doing homework and other work for school that sometimes we don’t even get enough sleep because we were trying to finish something for the next day. We don’t get enough sleep and are tired at school, which affects again our grades and our school social life. I think we should do something against it. For example we should have the opportunity to choose what we want to do, either go home with the buses at 2:55 or to stay for the ECAs but having our own transport back home. This way students would have more time in the evening and/or get more sleep.  To be active in class I think this is the best solution.