Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Lisa contradicted she didn't hurt her sister while playing outside.

Scientists say that aliens are immortal.

The teacher became a good impression from his student who did all of his work for the week.

The surprise birthday party for Emma was vicarious.

Jane was misdemeaned by her friend.

My mom told me to give up my succumb to chocolate.

I'm deluding myself.

Many teenagers are standing face to face with promiscuity.

Contradiction: To assert the contrary of,  take issue with or to imply the opposite

Immortal:  Unending existence

Impression: A telling image impressed on the senses or the mind

Vicarious: performed or suffered by one person as a substitute for another or to the benefit or advantage of another

MalignedEvil in disposition, nature, or intent

Tendency: Movement or prevailing movement in a given direction

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