Tuesday, September 6, 2011

English Homework 6.9.2011 - Formal/Informal Letter

Letter to Mr Spirendio

Dear Mr Spirendio,
Me, as a student at Stonehill International School, from my own experience and from what I have heard from most of my friends is that there is a problem with the ECAs.
We find it very exhausting to have ECAs after school. The reason is that we start school really early compared to most of the other school here in Bangalore and have to leave late. To have ECAs on top of that makes us more and more tired every day and we lose time that we actually could use to either study more or to have more time for ourselves rather than concentrating full on our school life.  I have to admit, it is hard for us students trying to manage our school work, having family time and time for ourselves where we spend time doing activities we like. As we go home late and have a very limited time, we spend most our time for school work and end up going to bed late, which makes us tired and sleepy the next morning. It has no benefits for us, students, and the teachers who have to teach tired and inactive students.
Now, my idea/suggest is that we should have the option to choose what we as students want to do. Either students will chose the ECAs and do it as now or to have the school buses at 2:55 pm for everyone and for those who want to stay for ECAs should provide their own transportation back home. This would be a way out of the problem students report.
I would really appreciate it if you, as the Stonehill International School head master, would try to find a perfect solution that would benefit both, school staff, as in teachers and students.

Elif Kaya.

Letter to friend

Paul, we all have the same problem, don’t we? The ECAs are useless and a waste of our time actually. If we wouldn’t have any ECAs we would’ve had more time in the evenings to do more stuff that has nothing to do with school. Look, we come to school early and then we have all those classes and on top of that the ECAs and we get home late. We spend our whole evening doing homework and other work for school that sometimes we don’t even get enough sleep because we were trying to finish something for the next day. We don’t get enough sleep and are tired at school, which affects again our grades and our school social life. I think we should do something against it. For example we should have the opportunity to choose what we want to do, either go home with the buses at 2:55 or to stay for the ECAs but having our own transport back home. This way students would have more time in the evening and/or get more sleep.  To be active in class I think this is the best solution.

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