Tuesday, September 27, 2011

3 paragraph comparison of my article and the article before

Paragraph 1 -- Paragraph about 'How Media Demonises Teenagers'
Paragraph 2 -- Paragraph (The Sun News)

Both articles are about teenagers and their problems at that stage/age. The difference is that paragraph 1 talks more about how media takes place in teenagers lives where paragraph 2 talks about the stereotypes of teenagers as thugs and a menace to others. The meaning is actually the same, where media is the only big thing that can cause changes in teenagers behaviors. By seeing the different TV shows that are about 'bad teenagers' or see other teenagers his age and their behavior they try to imitate them and become as the other teenagers are as they think that what the majority does is right. They might also be confused about anything and don't know what to do, so they do whatever everybody does. This means that media and other teenagers are the only sources for all the 'bad behavior' teenagers show.

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