Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Idioms Story

Jane's Birthday Party

There was a girl named Jane, who couldn’t wait until her eighth birthday party. The party was in two days and she was like a kid in a candy store. She told her mom that she wanted a puppy and a kitten. She was excited about the presents and the big cake. Her birthday was going to be in the garden and four of her friends were invited.
The night before her party when it was time to hit the hay, she didn’t get any sleep. She was too excited about her birthday party. She got dressed in her nicest clothes. Then she helped her mom blow up the balloons and to decorate the whole house.
In the afternoon people started to arrive. Jane was so excited she was over the moon, she ran to the door every time it rang. The first person to arrive was her friend Lisa. Both went up to Jane’s room and started waiting for the rest of the guests.
 They played with Jane’s dolls. Lisa got the doll with the brown hair like hers and with blue eyes, and Jane got the doll with the light blonde hair like hers and green eyes. They had a tea party with their dolls and they also played house with them. Soon other friends of hers arrived to the party. This time it was Mia and Mona, and they were sisters. Mona was seven, and Mia was eight. Jane was quick to the trigger and was to the door first. They went upstairs and continued playing with the dolls. This time she heard the doorbell ring, and everyone ran downstairs like headless chickens to see who came.

The person who had arrived was Tina. She had light blue eyes that would take your breath away. They all went up to Jane’s room and started playing a game. Jane was very happy as everyone there was close to her heart.

Mona wanted the blue piece and grabbed it out of Jane’s hands. Jane took it back with an agry look, nor even was it her birthday.

Soon all the girls were fighting about who got the blue piece and after a short time Jane’s mom came up stairs to see who upset the apple cart. She separated the sheep's from the goats and told everyone it was time for cake and ice cream.

While having those, Jane’s mom questioned the girls about what happened. As soon as she found out, she made them say sorry to each other, as they all know that they shouldn’t fight tooth and nail.

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