Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Key deas for the short story

1. They say teenagers need nine and a half hours of sleep minimum.
2. Teenager can actually think better in the afternoon.
3. It is true that adults are jealous of teenagers.
4. Adults think that every teenager stole once or more products from a shop.
5. Many people are negative about teenagers and rude to them.
6. They (teenagers) are no lazy sobs.
7. Shouting at teenagers for getting drunk is a simple projection of our own faults on to people we feel we can boss around --> it's not the best way to communicate with teenagers.
8. Teenagers are told to control themselves.
9. Perhaps adults are scared of teenagers.
10. Our teenagers still want, need and deserve our encouragement and admiration.
11. Teenagers themselves give a bad reputation about themselves.
12. Teenagers are confused.

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