Monday, September 12, 2011

Coke and Fanta Paragraphs

Thesis Statement (main idea)
Example(s) 2 maximum
Explanation (50-70% of paragraph)
Conclusion/link to next paragraph

On a hot summer day, you want to be sure of the refreshment you are drinking.
Coca-cola is the world’s number one soft drink for a reason.
Coca-cola is my and most other people’s default drink.
Coke is perfect with pretty much any meal as it is not as sweet as Pepsi for example, so you can drink as much as you want without getting sick of it. You can have Coca-cola for dinner, lunch or some might even drink it for breakfast. It's all your choice.
Coca-cola can be bought all around the world in every market. We all know that no matter in which country you are, if you go in any super market you will be able to find coke. It is well known, and safe to drink other than a brand no one knows about.
As a conclusion, Coca-cola is most other people's default drink as it goes with pretty much any meal and it is available all around the world.

Why would you settle for Coke when you can have a more amazing soft drink?
Fanta is more than just one of the most popular drinks in the world.
Fanta is way better than Coke.
The orange flavour makes it more refreshing. When you see the orange colour you get thirsty automatically unlike with Coca-cola. It gives you the knowledge that the refreshing soft drink was made of oranges and is healthy aswell.
And you cannot find any website that says Fanta kills. For most of the consumers it is important to consum a drink that has well known background. If Fanta would have had websites saying it kills people, then the percentage of the consumers all around the world would've dropped, so as you cannot find even one website saying Fanta kills, you know you are drinking a good refreshing drink.
Again, fanta is a better and safer soft drink than Coca- cola as you know from the above examples.

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